Because of the narration and depiction of historic facts during Chola period using proper language, there is no wonder this novel received the Sakithya Academy Award from Government of India. So the die-hard fans of Ponniyin Selvan (like me) will get more affinity towards him by reading this story. The hero of Ponniyin Selvan novel, the one and only Vandhiya Thevan will appear in this novel as elder character, who guides Rajendra Cholan in war and administration. You could not lonesome going past book gathering or library or borrowing from your contacts to gate them. Their love and affection was depicted in simple words by Akilan. vengaiyin-maindhan-akilan 1/6 Downloaded from .zw on Octoby guest PDF Vengaiyin Maindhan Akilan Getting the books vengaiyin maindhan akilan now is not type of inspiring means.

Along conquering the nations, Rajendra Chola conquered the hearts of beautiful girls Arulmozhi and Rohini. The newly built temple and the city internally had so many architectural designs for war-time and peace activities. This novel depicts his victory over Kadaaram and the building of new city Gangai konda Cholapuram upon his victory over northern part of India. He lived around 1010 AD and his dynasty had many business relationships with foreign countries. He captured many geographies including Indonesia (Kadaaram), Srilanka, Malaysia, southern and eastern coastal parts of India. Rajendra Cholan is the son of Rajaraja Cholan and his period can be referred as the height of Tamil empire in art, literature and administration. In this novel, Akilan gives insight about the life and achievement of the great Rajendra Chola.