Artificial Brilliance: The traffic on the roads realistically follows traffic laws, uses turn signals, and has fender-benders. Your reward for finding every single wrecked car, completing every mission, finding all of the photo spots and filling in every road on both islands? An explorer's costume.
The Fashion slot machine in the Casino, the jackpot combination awards you with a really neat suit jacket for males or a pretty and luxurious dress for females. And Your Reward Is Clothes: You win vouchers from the Hitchhiking and Top Model missions. The Ibiza and Oahu Tour time trials also disables the penalty, meaning you can slide off road or smash into a traffic car and still wind up several minutes ahead of the par time which in itself the high par time is an anti-frustration feature as Cup events require you to place 1st in order to continue or win the Cup. Some time trials also disable it such as the Diamond Head Challenge in the A1 High championship where you're expected to be going top speed around the course for two laps. Anti-Frustration Features: Time penalties are disabled in off-road time trials since some of the tighter paths on Hawaii can have you constantly bumping into the fences (or Spanish ruins on Ibiza) and it's also hard to tell where the game would consider you off-track in that situation. An Interior Designer Is You: Close you can recolor or choose different pieces of furniture in your house, but you can't re-arrange them. That being the last straw as she was about to fire you, but not before at least giving you the chance to join the Solar Crown racing series. turns out you're her chauffeur who had fallen asleep in her California. During your drive of it, you hear her voice telling you to wake up and. All Just a Dream: Part of the intro to the second game starts out as your birthday, Tess has gotten you a Ferrari California as a gift.
It also applies to any car as you can test drive one before buying or to know what it's like. The Convoy missions in the Discovery DLC typically put you in many of the DLC or otherwise special cars you won't be seeing much of like the Police Viper.
A Taste of Power: The dream at the beginning of the second game gives you a fairly high performance Ferrari California to try out. Adaptation Distillation: To make do with the inferior hardware compared to the 360 and PCs, the PS2 and PSP ports of Unlimited lack some content such as hitchhiker and convoy missions, bikes, cars of certain brands and the race editor.