And thus, Avira is the sole recipient of the Usability Award for consumer software. No other software was able to achieve such stellar results in the category of usability in the annual test.

"With the lowest false alarm rate, Avira is setting clear standards for good usability with its 'Antivirus Pro' security package," says Andreas Marx, CEO of AV-TEST.

In the consumer field, Avira receives recognition for best usability and is thus given the Best Usability 2019 Award by the AV-TEST Institute. With "Antivirus Pro", Avira succeeded at fielding a top product in 2019 which was able to meet the high standards of the AV-TEST Institute. Above all, it proves that it is documented as being the best the market currently has to offer in the fight against cyber attacks. On top, our integrated Firewall Manager helps you prevent unauthorized PC access and data leaks. With the AV-TEST Awards, a security product proves not only its technical superiority. avira internet security Avira Internet Security offers premium web protection, making sure you never fall victim to malware, while simultaneously safeguarding your shopping, banking, and surfing. Only products that make a high-performance finish in the AV-TEST labs throughout the test period of an entire year are allowed to claim this proof of absolute peak performance.

In order to clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors, manufacturers of security solutions also receive a unique opportunity each year: winning one of the coveted AV-TEST Awards.